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Gesucht nach ""Sharan"". Zeige Ergebnisse 11 bis 11 von 11.

CAN to UART interface for VW platforms (MIB-PQ - Seat, Skoda and VW)


The APF-X303VW is the latest generation of Alpine interfaces for Volkswagen platform vehicles (including Skoda and Seat) to connect an Alpine navigation or Digital Media Station seamlessly to your vehicle’s electronics / CAN-bus. While replacing the original equipment will not limit the functions, drivers will appreciate the ability to retain such visualisations and controls. The APF-X303VW is our solution that allows the customer to receive the same kind of images while operating the heater or air condition controls and also during parking. The interface will also support the VW radio display in the instrument cluster (MFD) and VW Steering Wheel Remote Control. It includes a complete plug-and-play wiring harness for adaptation to the original VW connectors.

  • Plug-and-play wiring harness for VW platform (MIB-PQ) vehicles
  • CAN-bus interface for latest generation of vehicles
  • Display of air condition / heater settings on Alpine screen
  • Steering wheel remote control retention
  • Support of Multi-Function Display (MFD) in instrument cluster
  • Parking sensor display and rear camera connectivity
  • Pre-flight Check for Camper Vans
  • Original hands-free microphone adaptation
  • Compatible with all Alpine Head Units featuring “Vehicle Data-Bus Interface Ready” functionality