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Gesucht nach "iveco daily 6". Zeige Ergebnisse 11 bis 12 von 12.

Interfaces APF-X305DU8-OE CAN to UART interface with steering wheel controls support for Fiat Ducato 8 (from MY 2022) with original Fiat radi


Alpine Freeview – More Visibility and Awareness for Your Safety


Digital Rear Mirror for Motorhomes and Camper Vans


Being aware of what is happening behind your motorhome or camper van is essential for driving safety. However, the visibility offered by most recreational or delivery vehicles has inherent limitations. The view is often obstructed by fully closed rear-ends of the vehicle, making it impossible for the driver to see what’s happening directly behind.

Alpine has developed the perfect solution: the DME-R1200 - a digital rearview mirror with a built-in 12” Full HD monitor displaying images from a high-res HDR camera mounted on the rear of the vehicle. You are able to see traffic conditions behind your motorhome or camper van through the clear video imagery, as well as use it like an analogue rearview mirror (when tuned off) to check on passengers and pets in the rear. This highly increases driving safety and convenience.

The high-quality HDR camera and image processing system achieves rearview image clarity in the Alpine Freeview mirror with minimal glare, even during sunrise or sunset conditions, or when being followed at night by a vehicle with strong headlights.

The Alpine DME-R1200 is a universal product and requires optionally available vehicle-specific installation brackets. You can find an overview of the installation brackets in the “Features & Specs” tab below.