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Upgrade your Jeep Compass with an Alpine Halo 9


Alpine Halo 9 Installation Kit for Jeep Compass 2017-


This 9-inch installation kit allows a perfect installation of an Alpine Halo 9 (IlX-F903D) or Alpine Halo 9 Navi (INE-F904D) in your Jeep Compass model year 2017 or newer.

The kit includes all necessary parts, such as a vehicle interface that allows the Alpine head unit to communicate with the vehicle’s electronics, as well as all needed antenna adapters for DAB & AM/FM radio and a USB connectivity kit.

This kit in combination with an Alpine Halo 9 can be used to replace the original 5”, 7” or 8,4” Jeep radio.

1-DIN Installation Kits KIT-HALO-G7 Alpine Halo9 and Halo11 Installation Kit with CAN to UART Interface Support of Display (MFD) and SWRC f

9-Zoll und 11-Zoll Einbauset KIT-HALO-G7 Alpine Halo9 and Halo11 Installation Kit with CAN to UART Interface Support of Display (MFD) and S